Maintain an ideal weight is a challenge with increased consumption of processed foods. That’s why we need to cross-check the foods item we consume on daily basis. Here you will find a list of weight loss seeds, which are not only healthy but also known as a superfood.

Super-food contains a good quantity of vitamin, minerals and other beneficial components that help can help our body in many ways. these seeds have a good quantity of dietary fibre which decrease appetite and helps in weight loss.

list of weight loss seeds

Which seeds are good for weight loss?

The seeds which can help in weight loss seeds are Flax seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, quinoa seeds, apricot seeds and sunflower seeds etc.

List of weight loss seeds:

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are edible seeds of Salvia hispanica plant belongs to Lamiaceae family. seeds are oval in shape and they are dark black grey in colour. Very small in size around 2mm. chia seeds are hydrophilic in nature hence they can absorb up to 12 times weight in liquid when soaked in water.

chia seeds for weight loss

Chia seeds are a rich source of vitamin B, niacin and thiamin. They contain minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. These seeds also rich omega 3 fatty acid and dietary fibers. 

How to eat chia seeds?

You can simply add chia seeds in water or you can sprinkle chia seeds/chia powder on top of the recipes. You can add them in your smoothies, oats, yoghurt, breakfast cereals, and bars and baking goods. 

chia seeds recipe for weight loss

Check here to buy chia seeds from Amazon

How much to eat every day?

You can consume 1 TSP in a day.

Flax seeds

Flaxseed comes from the plant Linum usitatissium belongs to Linaceae family. Flaxseed not only eaten as food but they also used for textiles. Textiles made from flaxseed and plant known as linen. This plant grows in cooler regions.

Flax seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which is a high-quality protein and in phytochemicals called lignans. Seeds are rich in dietary fibre and nutrients. Flaxseed may improve cholesterol. Due to high fibre and protein, it suppresses hunger.

Flax Seeds for weight loss

How to eat flax seeds?

You can easily incorporate flax seeds in your daily diet. For example, if you are making a sandwich you can add 1 tsp of ground flaxseed in your spread or you can add 1 tsp in your yoghurt to flavour the recipe. You can even add flax seeds to your baking recipes such as in cookies, muffins and bread etc. for breakfast you add flaxseed as a topping in oatmeal and smoothies.

How much flax seeds per day?

You can eat 1 tsp of ground flaxseed every however you should not eat more than 5 tsp of flaxseed every day.

Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon seeds are often discarded while eating watermelon but they are a high source of macro & micronutrients. They contain iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc also contain essential amino acids along with fibres.

watermelon seeds

How to eat watermelon seeds?

They can be eaten raw or sun-dried. These seeds have a nutty flavour and can be wat after roasting them as snacks. They can be used in salads, muffins, sauces and baked goods for garnishing and nutty flavour.

How much watermelon seeds per day?

You can consume ¼ teaspoon every day.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are flat seeds, have a nutty and slightly sweet flavour. They are seeds of pumpkin, after drying pumpkin seeds they can consume and further used in many recipes.

These seeds are a rich source of vitamin B such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acids, vitamin B6 and folic acids. 

pumpkin seeds for weight loss

How to eat pumpkin seeds?

You can decorate any dessert by sprinkling these seeds on the top. Make salad dressing and chopped them to add in morning breakfast. Also, they can be added to baking recipes such as bread, cookies and bars. If you roast them you can have them as a snack while watching the movie.

How much to eat in a day?

You can consume up to half a cup, 

Quinoa seeds

The scientific name of quinoa is Chenopodium quinoa belongs to amaranth family. This plant is grown as a crop basically for its edible seeds. Quinoa seeds are rich in protein, dietary fibre, vitamin B and minerals. It’s also a gluten-free grain.

quinoa seed recipe

How to consume quinoa seeds?

Simply boil them add sweetener, any flavour or milk if you like, you can cook them like the way you cook oats. Then add the topping of fruits to enjoy your breakfast. They have a slightly nutty flavour, many people use quinoa as a substitute for rice in their recipes. check here to buy quinoa seed from amazon

How much to eat in a day?

You can have 1 and ½ cup every day.

Sunflower seed

Sunflower seed is a fruit of sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). The sunflower plant has beautiful yellow petals and in the centre of the flower, you will find its seeds. These seeds have white and black strip shell and when we crack the seed edible part appear. Sunflower seeds have high % of oil hence they grown for oil extraction. 

Sunflower seeds are rich in protein and dietary fibre, vitamin B and vitamin E. they also have high % of magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and Zinc.

These seeds can help to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties. 

sunflower seeds

How to eat sunflower seeds?

You can have them as a snack, morning breakfast cereals, with mixed green salad and chicken salads recipes. You can also ground sunflower seeds and then use as one of the coating ingredients for meat or you can use it in smoothies.

How much to eat in a day?

You can eat up to 30g sunflower seeds in a day but be mindful they are very tasty as a snack and might not know when you have finished the whole pack.

Apricot Seeds

Apricot seeds are part of apricot fruit. These seeds look similar to almond seeds but slight small and round in shape. These kernels contain protein, fibre, high % of oil and rich in Vitamin E

How to eat apricot seeds?

You can eat them directly like almonds.

apricot seeds

How much to eat in a day?

It is advised to eat 1-2 kernel in a day for an adult due to risk of cyanide.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds scientific name is Sesamun indicum. They are very delicate and have a nutty flavour. Sesame seeds are the main ingredient of tahini. Seeds also used for extracting sesame oil. Sesame tiny seeds are also an addition in list of weight loss seeds because of their health benefits.

These seeds are excellent source magnesium, copper, calcium manganese, iron, phosphorous, vitamin b1, zinc, molybdenum, selenium and dietary fibre.    

How to eat sesame seeds?

list of weight loss seeds

These beautiful seeds can be eaten in many ways such as in form of condiments, for garnishing, topping and its paste can be used to prepare the sauce for recipes and also can be used as a spread on bread. There are many Asian and Middle East cuisine prepared with these seeds.

Check here to purchase sesame seeds from amazon

How much to in a day?

You can have 2 tsp of sesame seeds in a day.

I think now you have information on which seeds are Healthiest seeds, you can easily add them in your recipes and in your diet. 

Click here to read about healthy snacks and sugar free recipes.