Life is not a smooth ride, you will have your bumpy roads and break fails. But you have to be ready on the steering seat to control the outcomes. Whatever the thing that is going to happen in a day it’s not in your control, but how you are going to respond will make all the difference. And your response depends on your mental stability, mood, energy and many other things. To keep these things balanced you have to adopt a lifestyle. A lifestyle that enriches the quality of your life and makes you a stable person. A set of evening routine can help you balance these factors, this is why have an evening routine necessary.

To set an evening routines you have to see how much time you have in the evening after work. It can be 2 hours or 5 hours depending on that set a simple but effective routine.

How do i make an evening routine? if you struggling with this question then here you will get all the answers, i am sharing a few evening routine ideas below that you can try out based on your choice & convenience:

Table of Contents

Evening routine ideas

Set Positive Vibes

To relax your mind add soothing music in the background and switch on dim lights or butterfly light. Bright light in the evening is either very bright or not appropriate because it’s not completely night outside. The soothing music and butterfly lights will completely transform your heavy mood to relaxed and calm mood. Most important you can control most of the thing in the home instead of outside so take this opportunity to changes the vibes of home.

evening room light

Set a family Routine

Family is the most important part of life while we like it or not. The bond between family members keeps everyone strong together. Especially children’s, if they see that family members are spending time together, eating together and having fun with others. They understand the value of family and many important lessons without even realizing that it going to imprint in their mind for forever. Because when they growing up they have a very sensitive mind, everything that is happening is more powerful for their sensitive brain.

family time

For elder this can be a time to share thoughts about the day and to have fun like playing a game, cooking something together or have dinner together. We do not realize this but these things matters. hence always create a simple evening routine with family because it’s one of valuable thing that you can only buy by spending time with family.

Plan a day ahead

Creating a to-do-list for the next day is a very productive routine. It will give you a clear picture for the next day that what urgent things you have to do. Once your plan ready for that next day then you don’t need to start the day with random tasks. you have a checklist you can just start your day. If something came up in a day you can easily do these things because you have already completed most priority things in the morning. It’s a thing for work-life balance and a evening routine for success.

to do list for every day

Do one thing you love

It’s one of my favorite things because it cheers me up. i always try to include this in my evening routine. Enjoying things that you love gives you time to have fun in your daily life. It can be anything like making a delicious coffee, reading a book, playing a game, painting, writing, dancing and talking to your friends etc. Have these fun moment every day makes life more joyful. Sometimes these small hobbies also converted into money-making opportunities. Such as writing a blog may help you to earn some bucks.


Be ready for the next day

Getting ready things for the morning takes only 10-15 minutes in night and it saves a lot of time in the morning.

Like keeping your office or college clothes ready at a particular place, cleaning your shoes or footwear, keeping all the essential things in the bag, keeping a bottle of water in freeze and doing early preparation for lunch and breakfast while preparing dinner. And I am not joking about selecting a dress to wear in the morning consume a lot of time in the morning which usually happens with girls.

Selecting clothes and keeping all the necessary things that you need in the morning in place will give you a smooth start in the morning. morning and evening routine are always connected to each other, if you follow your evening routine properly then only you can follow your morning routine smoothly.

evening routine

Skin and oral hygiene routine

Once you reach home wash your face and cleanse your face with face-wash. Wash your hand and legs with good aroma soap and change your clothes. Wear light, loose and washed clothes at home. Your body will thank you because not all the outdoor clothes are comfortable. Before sleeping takes a quick hot shower bath and brush your teeth. oral hygiene is must for night routine.


Practice gratitude

The night is a good time to reflect on and appreciate things that we have right now. We all have something that makes our life valuable hence we should always grateful for these things till they last. It can be moments with your love ones or a random person that did something good for you.

Writing them on a notebook will create a beautiful notebook of good memories. Whenever you are feeling low in life just read a few pages of this journal, it will give you the courage to keep moving in life. click here to buy journal from Amazon.

practice gratitude


Mediation can be consider as a spiritual evening routine. to relax your mood and muscles completely do meditation for a few minutes. Enjoy stillness and peace.Try to de-clutter all the negative thought so that you can create space for new and positive thoughts.

Click here to buy this candle from Amazon

Practice simple breathing exercise of inhaling and exhale and one by one try to release all the muscles tension from your body. Start meditation by simply sitting for 5 minutes and avoid thinking anything. Peaceful background music and aromatic candles can help you to meditate. Meditation has a number of benefits. You can add meditation to your morning routine or evening routine whenever you are more comfortable.

meditation evening

No TV or NEWS, phone time before

Avoid watching anything before going to bed. All the circumstances that we are surrounded with affect us anyways. Watching anything can impact our sleep routine and mood. Avoiding screen time one hour before your bedtime will improve your sleeping.

not watching phone in night

Read your goals

It’s very important to set some short term and long term goals. Once you set goals write down them on paper. To achieve these goals you need to continuously work toward them. Reading goals every day gives you direction and a reminder that where you are right now, with time it embedded in your brain. It will train you and give you mental power to achieve them in real life.

Click here for morning routine ideas.