The healthy morning routine is a set of activities that you perform in the morning. Usually morning routine lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Which is based on person to person and also on how much time you have in the morning? These are tiny small habits that can impact your day. In the long term, these collective habits can transform you into a better person. there is no set routine that you need to follow. In this article, you will go through a simple but impactful morning routine. You can tweak these habits as per our requirement.

Healthy morning routine habits:

Wake up early in the morning

healthy morning routine

You only able to wake up early in morning if you get enough hours of sleep. for that you need to put intention by sleeping at right time in the night. Set the alarm for sleeping time and also for wake up time. It’s not going to happen overnight; it will take some days or maybe weeks. But once your mind and your body are in sync, you will not even require an alarm clock to wake up early in the morning. Everything starts with a small step, and setting a morning routine starts with sleeping at the right time.

Make Your Bed

morning habits

After waking up in the morning, take 5 minutes to completely open your eyes. Then get up from your bed and make your bed nicely. When you come back home in the night, this clean nicely made bed will encourage you to sleep and relax. There is one reason that after making your bed, you will not try to sleep again in the morning.

Rehydrate your body

morning rituals

After making your bed, wash your face and brush your teeth. Then grab a glass of water and rehydrate your body. An adult human body contains approximately 60% water. Water is an essential part of the human body system. After sleeping 7-8 hours in the night, it’s really a good habit to rehydrate your body. There are many ways to drink water in the morning, such as some may prefer warm water with lemon, some may prefer only water. You can have your own close to water drink but make sure to keep hydrating your body in the morning.

morning rituals

15-20 Minutes walk/Exercise

morning routine

After drinking water, get out from your home and stretch your body for two minutes. After stretching, you can walk around your home or a nearby park for 20 minutes and also you can do exercise at your home. The basic idea is that to do body movement, which is not very much left daily routine. Morning is the best time to get fresh air which is definitely good for your body. Depending on your time availability and strength, you can stretch this habit longer. But make sure to eat fruit before the walk or exercise if are planing extend it more.

Have a hot beverage of your preference

tea person

Morning is also a time to pamper yourself so that you can have a good vibe throughout the day. After exercise wash your face, hands and legs. Then go to your kitchen and prepare a tea that you love to have in the morning. I am a tea person, so I love to have a masala tea in the morning, sometimes i had green tea or infused tea based on my mood. But usually, it is masala tea. You can have coffee or match tea, whatever you like. Take time to prepare your first-morning beverage. Some people prefer to drink tea with a book, some like to write a journal. And some may prefer to just sit nearby to the window and watch outside activity it totally depends upon you.

Quick meditation Healthy morning routine

healthy morning routine

Meditation is a powerful tool, I have a whole article on this topic you can click here to read this blog. When we start setting a morning routine, we see what works for us or whatnot. But we have to start somewhere. Doing a quick 5 minutes meditation is a smart way to adopt a habit of meditation. When it’s become a normal thing, and you really start enjoying, then you can do mediation for 15 to 30 minutes. It will definitely contribute towards your healthy morning routine set up.

Gratitude Journal

morning gratitude journal

Keep a small diary or a notepad for writing gratitude in morning or night. Try to write 2 or 3 things that you are really grateful. It can be anything like you are grateful for your family, sibling or your best friends or you are grateful for your health. these things seem very small, but they change us internally. They create a sense of abundance. It also reminds us to appropriate small things in life.

Eating healthy breakfast

healthy breakfast

After taking a bath, you can finally have your powerful and nutritious breakfast. Keep your breakfast preparation simple. You can find many options on Pinterest for a quick breakfast meal. You can have a bowl of oats with milk and some fruits or fresh fruits salad with overnight soaked nuts. Just try to keep it basic but healthy.

healthy morning routine

As humans are evolving, they forget basics. We need a balance between our outside daily routine and our home routine. Every morning is a fresh start; hence you should utilize it in the right manner to get most out of it. Our habits can make us or break us it really a very strong quote. I hope you will get some inspiration from this good morning routine blog. Comment if you enjoy or if you want to learn more about morning rituals. Have a nice day, you all!