What Does Meditation Feel Like?

When your mind, your body, your energies in the same level of maturity, that is meditation. It means when you are doing a meditation that time you feel your body and your mind are separate, no thoughts come in your mind; that is meditation feel like.

One hour every day, change your life forever; that is you doing meditation for one hour, but after that, you experiencing everything in your life like breathing.

When you think about a tree like a tree not just like a piece of wood then you know the importance of trees and without a tree, you are not live now. When you are experiencing these things, that is meditation feel like. Your mind stops chanting; you calm in every situation that is meditation feels like.

If you are practicing daily, then you will be a master of meditation. So be consistent; one day, you will be in the best form of yourself.

I hope you get the answer to what does meditation feel like? If you get it, leave a comment.

So, most people ask questions on meditation, so today I answer those questions on meditation.

How do you know you are meditating? ( It’s Same like what does meditation feel like)

What Does Meditation feel like

I give this answer in the above paragraphs. When you’re doing meditation and your life, your whole day changes like you are calm in every situation, no matter what’s the problem.

When you feel the experience of everything you are doing in your day, that is the answer to how do you know meditation is working.

When you sit, and no thoughts come in your mind immediately, you know you are meditating, when you do everything peacefully in your whole day, that’s meditating my friend.

I hope you get the answer to How do you know you are meditating? If you get it, leave a comment below.

Another question people ask,

How long does it take to see effects of meditation?

What does meditation feels like

It is simple to answer is it depends on you how you are meditating. If you focus and confident in doing meditation, then it takes around 21 days.

Because if you do anything consistently for 21 days, then that is your habit, and habit means you are practicing that thing every day. So after 21 days, you will see the effects of meditation.

I hope you get the answer to How long does it take to see the affects of meditation? If you get it, leave a comment below.

Transcendental Meditation Mantras List: The Definitive Guide(2020)

How do i go deeper in meditation?

When you’re sitting for meditation, then after 20 30 minutes, just let it go simple. Then you will see you can sit for 2 to 3 hours; then, you go deeper into meditation.

I am doing meditation for three years, and I follow Sadhguru. Sadhguru is an Indian yogi who teaches yoga and meditation(he answered every question in this world).

You can easily find his videos on youtube or google.

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