If you are searching for Vegetables that start with K, so you are in the right place. I did it for you, and here is a list of delicious vegetables that start with K.

vegetables that start with k wrote on image

It’s not tough to find the foods that starts with K because so many Vegetables begin with K. I dig deep down to find these vegetables that starts with letter K because for you.

List of Vegetables that start with letter K


Kudzu is originated from Japan. It’s leaves are used like spinach and salad. Kudzu tastes like spinach.


Kumera is a sweet potato that originated from Peru now found in South America and Newzealand.


Kale originated in the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. It is also has many benefits like kale used in the keto diet and also in a detox diet.


Kohlrabi is originated from Germany. It’s similar to cabbage and a little bit sweeter.


It’s origin commercially in Japan and Taiwan. In Japan, people call it mustard spinach.


Kombu originated from Japan, Australia, China and Russia. It is also a very good source of glutamic acid.

we also have a blog foods that start with k and foods that start with x.

I hope you enojoyed my list.

I find these vegetables that begins with K. It’s not tough to find foods that starts with letter k.

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