Earl grey tea is known for its citrus flavor. It basically contains two ingredients black tea and bergamot oil. If we specifically talk about what herb is used in earl grey tea, then there are few variations in earl grey tea that contain herbs, but the essence of earl grey is black tea leaves and bergamot oil.

what herb is used in earl grey tea?

Black tea is derived from plant Camellia sinensis which is the base of all types of teas. Camellia sinensis is an evergreen shrub of the camellia family that is native to China and northeast India. Black tea has a distinct malty, dark, and bold flavor; it’s generally stronger than other types of teas. Also, it has a deep nutty aroma.

Whereas bergamot oil is extracted from the zest of Citrus bergamia, which grows on the bergamot orange tree. The bergamot orange is originally cultivated in Italy, Calabre. It looks like an orange in shape and size, and it has a lime color peel. The fruit is cold-pressed to extract the oil.

 Bergamot has a unique tart and sour profile. It also has floral notes. Bergamot oil not only gives the signature note to earl grey tea but also used for many other purposes. It’s used in aromatherapy to elevate the mood, for Skincare to treating acne and used as a top note in perfume. In the food industry, it also used as a flavor in many recipes such as baked goods.

what herb is used in earl grey tea?


There are many stories around that how earl grey tea is originated, but all the stories have one common link is Charles Grey, the second Earl Grey and the British Prime Minister, who was somehow connected to a Chinese tea merchant. This Chinese merchant developed this tea with bergamot oil flavor and gifted this tea to the Charles grey. Although it’s still not clear the exact story, they all surround Charles grey.

Processing of earl grey tea can be flavored in two ways.

  1. The black tea leaves are coated with bergamot essential oil or extract to infuse the flavor on tea leaves.
  2. The dried black tea is mixed with dried orange rinds, and both flavors will itself infused in the water when added to hot water.

Note: Bergamot oil is highly acidic, and tart hence added in very small quantity and usually added with other similar flavors such as lemon or orange to balance the notes.

Herbal Earl Grey Tea & what herb is used in earl grey tea?

Lady Grey Tea: named after Lady Mary Elizabeth Grey, the wife of Earl Charles Grey. This tea is basically flavored with Seville orange or Lavender in addition to bergamot oil. It is also known as Citrus Lady Grey and Lavender Lady Grey Tea

French Earl Grey Tea: It’s made with the addition of dry rose petal in earl grey tea. This tea has a sweet aroma and floral notes.

Russian Earl Grey Tea: The Russian tea variation contain citrus rinds, lemongrass, and black tea.

Red Earl Grey Tea (Aka Earl Red or Earl Rooibos): Red earl grey made with Rooibos tea and bergamot flavor or oil. Rooibos tea derived from leaves of a shrub called Aspalathus linearis, which usually grows on the western coast of South Africa. Rooibos tea, also known as herbal tea.

Earl Grey Green tea: this one is made with green tea that is flavored with bergamot oil.