start a new life

While we all are lockdown inside our homes during this pandemic. why not hit a pause button on our smartphones or TV. Why? Because this is a one-time opportunity. when we have a lot of time so grab it and use it till it lasts and start a new life for your self.

You might remember the time when you were repeating these four words: I DON’T HAVE TIME.

Well, now you have plenty of it. so have you started doing things that you always wanted to do? I know the answer and I hope you know it too. So stop being lazy and get up because this is the time we can analyze our life and make the required changes in order to start a new life.

The last couple of years changed our lifestyle a lot. We developed technology to save our time but we are doing exactly the opposite. We can be more connected with our family and loved ones because of the better connectivity of the internet and transport system but the distance between relations increased with time.

It’s time to evaluate our self and see where we are in life right now? Are we on the right track? Did we miss anything while chasing our dreams? Can we do anything to make things better? Let’s do it and start a new life for a better future.

First, find a comfortable sitting and a place. which is quiet and maybe somewhere near to nature. Get a notebook and a pen. You have to be very conscious while doing this activity so choose the best time of your day. when you really feel good.

start a new life

Follow below five steps and analyze each steps carefully:

1. Think about your relationships. How is it going with your parents, close siblings, and your friends? If someone is there with whom you want to improve your relations, write about them. If there is more than one person then make a list of them, and on the priority, bases put a reminder on the weekly calendar to make calls one by one. Talk with them and tell them how important they are for you. Talk about the good times you have spent together and how much you miss them. And this is not a one-time activity. you have to develop a habit to call them again and again until it becomes a habit hence set a reminder in your calendar. Also, refresh the list of birthdays and anniversaries in your calendar so that you will be up to date for the coming months.

start a new life

2. Think about your career, are you satisfied with your career? If not then ask a question to yourself. why you are not happy? Is there anything that can do right now? Do you need to improve any skill? Also, ask yourself that is this the profession you really want to pursue your whole life? Take a deep breath and Write about it in detail. When you have right set questions and intension then you can surely find the right answers also. You can search online that is there any part-time online job that you can do these days. even a small project related to your dream career will help you to direct toward the right career.


Think about what else makes you happy, what else you are passionate about. Take out time for your hobbies, even when you will back to your usual life. Set a timetable for 3-4 times in a week to work on your hobbies and personal projects. It will make your life more excited and also you will become more creative. Write everything because writing will imprint these thoughts in your mind more effectively.

Both the above things belong to your mental health, now let’s move to your physical health

3. Write about your fitness goal if you have any. If not then it is the time to add a healthy habit in your daily routine. Set a fitness goal and break down your goals into small targets. Then start taking a small step every day. complete a small target every week. try to achieve it as closely as possible. it will take some time to adapt these habits. Reminds yourself that you have to eat fresh and healthy food. also, make sure to reduce the intake of oily food and fast food.


4. Now let’s think about living space, are your closets well organized or your space filled with unnecessary things? Do you get positive vibes when you look at your closets? If not, then I think then you already know what exactly you need to do. Book yourself for the weekend and clean all your space, closets. Make space for every important thing. Declutter all the unnecessary things form your space and fix a time in a week when you practice this exercise regularly. For decluttering things you can follow Marie Kondo’s concept which says keep only those things which spark joy when you hold them.

5. Now you are free from physical clutter let’s do virtual cleaning which means you need to declutter your gadgets. First, your phone, laptop, desktop-remove all the app which you no longer using, remove all the irrelevant emails from your mailbox, unsubscribe from the service which no longer serves you. When you are done with this exercise, set time for each activity on a weekly basis and managed your time well, so that you can spend more time enjoying life.

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I am sure you feel new you after doing all these activities.

Make sure you worked on each point because we can not start a new life without working on all the important aspects of life.

All the best!

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