lemon earl grey iced tea is a refreshing infused tea with lot of flavors and colors. earl grey have it’s own signature flavor it’s not easy to compliment this drink because has a distinct flavor unlike other tea.

Recipe of Lemon earl grey tea

No of serving: 2


  1. earl grey tea bags (check here to purchase the item from amazon)
  2. 2 cup boiling water
  3. 1/4 cup orange juice
  4. 3 tsp sugar/stevia/honey
  5. 2 cup cold water
  6. 2 tsp lemon juice
  7. Lemon slices and mint leaves
  8. Ice cubes


  1. Take hot 2 cup hot water in pitcher.
  2. Immerse tea bags in boiling water for 1 minute.
  3. Remove the tea bags and discard them.
  4. Add orange and lemon juice in the pitcher and stir the drink.
  5. Then add sweetener as per your taste preference and mix the, properly.
  6. Add chilled 2 cup water in picture and mix again.
  7. Put pitcher in freeze for one to two hour.
  8. Now take out a long glass, add few ice cubes in glass and few 2-3 piece of lemon slice.
  9. Pour chilled early grey orange tea in glasses.
  10. Garnish the glass with lemon slice and mint leaves.
  11. Serve chilled to enjoy the taste and beat the heat of summer.
lemon earl grey iced tea

Infused teas are really punch of flavors and I can say that earl grey is one the tea that has its unique flavor. Addition of fruit juice can make these drinks very flavorful plus healthy. You can make many other infused earl grey tea with various fruits such orange, cranberry raspberries and blackberries etc.

Earl grey tea ingredients

Earl grey tea known for its citrus flavor. It basically contain two ingredients black tea and bergamot oil.

Black tea is derived from plant Camellia sinensis which is base of all types of teas. Camellia sinensis is an ever green shrub of camellia family that is native to China and northeast India. Black tea has a distinct malty, dark and bold flavor, it’s generally stronger than other type of teas. Also it has a deep nutty aroma.

Whereas bergamot oil is extracted from zest of Citrus bergamia, that grows on bergamot orange tree. The bergamot orange is originally cultivated in Italy, Calabre. It looks like an orange in shape and size and it has lime color peel. The fruit is cold pressed to extract the oil.

 Bergamot has unique tart and sour profile. It also has floral notes. Bergamot oil not only give signature note to earl grey tea but also used for many other purposes. It’s used in aromatherapy for elevating the mood, for Skin care to treating acne and also used as top note in perfume. In food industry it also used as flavor in many recipes such as baked goods.

i hope you enjoyed lemon earl grey orange tea. click here to read more about earl grey tea and orange earl grey iced tea!