Simple living is about less possessions and more about a thoughtful life. It seems very basic to have a simple life. But having a simple life doesn’t mean that you have a boring life. When we purposely transformed our life, we have more choices, and we know the direction of our life. There is more in a simple life that we cannot fulfill by materialistic life. 

Simple living is not a particular style that you need to follow. Everyone has a unique way to approach simple living. Today there is a lot of talk happening around minimalism. Why all of a sudden, these topics are rising? Because there is a reason behind it, we need a more meaningful life, not a materialistic life.

Simple living offers us less distraction, less expense, less stress, more freedom, and more time for our family members. We are too busy with our gadgets these days that we don’t have time for real things. And these are signs that we need to think again about how we really want to spend our life. 

Simplifying your life needs intention; you need will power to accept things and grow at the mental level. It’s like detoxing your life but not only internally but also externally.

So, how to live a Simple Life:

  • Declutter your home: I know it’s again starting with decluttering home, but it’s a root cause from where everything started. You moved into a new home and started filling that home with things. Things that may or may not be necessary. You know that marketing agencies are trying their best to buy more stuff even you don’t need it. 

You don’t know, but you are fighting a silent battle every day against these marketing agencies. But you need to learn and understand the difference between what is necessary and what is not. 

When you start decluttering your home, start with removing the things which are not serving any purpose. Try to decorate your home with good paint and fewer accessories. Declutter your older clothes and accessories and donate them to someone helpful.

A simple, neat, and clean home give you a sense of clarity in everyday life.

  • Digital Declutter: It’s straightforward to distract these days because of engaging online content. Moreover, these contents are available at one touch. I know it’s difficult to ignore, but can you do to make it easier next time. 

Best case scenario that stops downloading such addictive apps which are taking the most time of the day. And if you want to keep watching them, then do it in the right way. Know your limits and save time for other essential tasks in a day.

  • Spend less: Money is the most significant possession in humankind’s life. A thing that humans created to simplify their life. Earlier it happens in the form of things people use to exchange items. But today the thing we use to buy stuff is money. Money is essential to living a decent basic life, but money is not everything. It’s a fact that all people cannot be rich or low at the same time. So, there is always variation in people incomes.

 You can live a rich life without a lot of money. You need basic things that require you to do day to day job. Apart from these things, whatever you buy is an additional expense. Whenever you buy something, ask simple to yourself, that is ‘it really necessary. If your answer is yes, then keep them in your buying item but don’t purchase them instantly. After a week, ask the same question to yourself, and if still your answer is yes, then purchase it. What I am saying is that make a conscious choice and buy stuff just because you liked the idea of buying them. 

When you spend less, you save more. When you save more, you have a feeling of containment that you have enough.

  • Stop using credit cards: I have learned this lesson during my first job. When you just started earning money, and you don’t know how to control that feeling. You end up spending money on unnecessary things. Credit cards are actually a loan in the form of a shining, glittering swipe card. I know that beep sound of swiping machines. Mine only advise with credit card is don’t add additional headache in your life. Even if you want to keep a credit card, understand the policies and interest rates. Credit cards and their bill payments may become severe stress in your life without even realizing it. It happens with small purchases and then with bigger ones.
  • Slow living: Life in a single frame looks lovely but real-life created with slow moments. There are moments of happiness, realization, tears, and many more. These precious moments come under observation when you live a slow life.

Slow living means a reflective approach. When you read a book, you do it consciously because you are understanding and also picturizing. You can only do it in the right way when you slow down and reflect. Be in a moment, it is easy to say but not very common in day-to-day life. 

How can you incorporate slow living in your life? You can simply have a cup of tea in the morning by your window. Enjoy the taste of tea and the view outside. You don’t need to spend any money here, but you need to spend your time. Try to live in the present moment as much as possible. It will also give some re-energizing time to your brain for fresh thoughts.

  • Eat home-cooked meals: Learn to enjoy cooking and enjoy home-cooked meals with your family members. Doing home chaos gives a distraction from office work. You need that sweet distraction to enjoy the day to day life. Eating food at home will not cost much, and also you eat a fresh home-cooked meal. You can be creative with your food, add lots of vegetables and fruits to your daily meals, and cook simple but delicious recipes.
  • Taking out some of your favorite activities: We all have our interest in various fields like playing outdoor games, painting, writing, watching movies and cooking, etc. Do we really able to give time to these activities in our day-to-day life. It’s not easy to have a balance between our workload and our personal life. We need to learn that how we can balance both, and it’s come with regular practice. Reducing the time from other activities that waste your time, such as too much media exposure, sleeping more hours than required, and may be some else. The point is that there is always something that can be altered to make time for more valuable things. click here for some evening routines ideas for balancing life.
  • Personal time: If you want to grow, you need to reflect on your life patterns. How you are forming your life, are you doing everything that makes you feel content. You can do it weekly; write your bigger goals at the start of your month and smaller goals every month. That can be anything like saving money, tracking exercise patterns, health goals, and spending time with your loved ones. It’s excellent to know your life pattern and value the things that really matter to you.

You can also make your customized version of simple living. Where you know your values to fully enjoy your life. So, stop filling your life with irrelevant things and create a day-to-day life with more meaning, more depth, and more love. In this way, you will not only simplify your life but also for the people that you are surrounded by. 

Check above image to purchase it from amazon (This book contain a lot of rituals, recipes, and projects for living simply and sustainably at home)

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