You might have heard first connect with yourself then with the world. Communicate with yourself is also known as the form of Intrapersonal communication. Where a person does self-talk to analyze life situation on day to day basis. It considered being a positive skill. Intrapersonal communication can be done in many ways such as self-talk, recalling a memory, daydreaming, planning, and solving problems in mind.

We all are communicating with ourselves in some way every day, either we aware of it or not. For example, you received a message that tomorrow your friend is throwing a party. Suddenly your mind started to think, what I will wear, imaging the birthday place also thinking about what you will gift to your friend. You even selecting and rejecting gift options and clothes options in your mind. Isn’t interesting.

We know that we already doing an intrapersonal talk in some way but how we can communicate with ourselves consciously? That’s the important question. 

First, understand why do we need to communicate with yourselves and secondly why consciously?

Life takes you through random choices every day and you do or do not make these choices consciously. Because your mind though these small things do not make any impact in your life or maybe you not even though before making choices

For example, you want to save money and you know it’s important for you may be not today but in future. So, from the next day after this thought do you start saving money like opening RDs, FDs in the bank account, mindfully thinking about monthly purchases etc. And the answer is no and why? because it not easy and it takes efforts and it requires your consciousness to take steps. So, you know that you must start saving money but because you are not thinking consciously, you never put effort until and unless something goes wrong with your money.

So what you should do is to question yourself that why it’s important? why you need to wait for something bad to happen when you know that you can start today. It’s a small example, if you start talking with yourself consciously in your mind, you can figure out a lot of things in life very easily. that’s why it’s important to connect with yourself on daily basis.

It’s also about your relationship with your inner self and your mental health. As you know that you need to communicate with others to have a better life, the same applies to you also. If you are not treating yourself right and taking with your inner self, then how do you figure out things. Having a small talk with friends open many things, you can do the same with yourself also. it gives you clarity and a better perspective.

Advanatge of self-talk: 

  1. You can motivate yourself: Are you feeling depressed because of something bad happen. Give yourself a pep talk and motivate yourself. Take a walk to clear your mind. Be clear about yourself that you are your own biggest enemy and best friend in the world. With whom you want to live, the choice is yours.
  2. Learn how to be independent: Not every time you need others to support, you can do few things all alone even some fun things also. For example, you never did a solo trip because you thought it would be boring without family and friends. And what’s the use if you don’t enjoy the trip. But have you ever thought about why the people who do solo travel are very good at their creativity and thought process? Because they are exploring both inside and outside. When we travel, we spend time with our thoughts, and we do a lot of self-talk. And you already know beautiful places brings beautiful though that’s the beauty of travelling. That’s how doing a single solo trip makes you more independent. If you are happy with your own company, you can do a lot of things alone such as shopping and buying weekly groceries etc. These activities can be ways of spending time with yourself.
  3. You become more conscious: Self-talk helps you to analyze things carefully. For example, you are distracted at work because of something. But if you do self-talk with yourself. what will you do? you will take a break and ask yourself why you are distracted and why you need to focus on work right now. It will help you to be more focused on what is important for that exact moment.
  4. Improve Confidence: Self-motivation, conscious behaviours and being more independent will indirectly or directly improve your self-confidence. When you keep pushing yourself in the positive direction you become a better version of yourself every day.
  5. Positive personality: When you can process your thoughts and become clearer about life. You not only improve your life but others also. Hence it will enhance your personality in a good way.

when you learn to connect with yourself, these positive attributes will help you in improving your life and tackle day to day challenges.

Disadvantage of self-talk

  1. Over Thinking: Taking a lot can make you over-thinker. you also should take care about how to balance things inside or outside.
  2. Social Distancing: Spending so much time alone can make you an introvert, which is also not healthy. So as mentioned above try to be balanced.

Ideas to communicate with yourself:

  1. Writing Journal: Either you talk yourself in your head or you can write them in a paper. In both ways, you can talk with yourself. But Journal is a more conscious way of putting thought because then you not only thinking but also writing. Which makes it more profound and impactful.
  2. Work on your ideas with yourself: You have an idea about a project, and you want to present others. Then do self-talk with yourself, why it’s a great idea, what can be its possible cons and pros. Before getting someone else perspective takes your perspective first. These small activities will help you to communicate with yourself.
  3. Use your name: While talking to yourself use your name. it will make feel like you are talking with a person. we attached to names emotionally also so it will have some impact in intrapersonal talk.
  4. Focus on the things you say every day when some things happen: for example, you wake up early in the morning and you said it’s going to be a bad day and you start procrastinating yourself. But you can choose a positive word to not to make more verse your day what already happened is happened. 
  5. Discuss the matter with yourself before taking it to some else: Dealing with a personal issue, try to solve it on your own first, try to figure out what else can be done to solve things, talk with yourself. if you still didn’t find any solution then talk with someone else. 

So, what you think, can you be your own secret best friend? Please comment and let me know your thoughts.