
Sugar-free homemade strawberry fruit roll ups

If I have to imagine fruit rolls. it will always take me to the imagination of fresh, juicy, and colorful fruits. Fruit rolls are loved by all age groups but mostly liked by teenagers. these homemade strawberry fruit roll ups not only look good but they also taste good. they contain the flavor of the […]



At the end of that day, what really matters to us is only personal satisfaction. satisfaction that things are working and we are on right track. even if you are making good money doesn’t mean that you are able to satisfy your inner urge. Hence it’s very important to understand what is your purpose of […]


Sugar-free Healthy Homemade Yogurt Fruit Parfait

Are you looking for a healthy dessert that is low in calorie, sugar-free, loaded with fibers, and equally delicious as it looks? let’s talk less and make this tasty recipe. Preparation Time: 5 min Ingredients ( 1 Serving) Muesli or Granola-5 TSP/25 g Yoghurt or curd-100 g/2/3 cup Mango slice-2 slice chopped Pomegranate -half cup/25 […]


Why it is important to walk a few miles every day?

We are Homo sapiens, it is an eminent part of our nature that whenever we are surrounded with nature we feel peaceful which initiate positive & healthy vibes inside us. However today we have surrounded ourselves with a lot of gadgets and devices, such as smartphones, television, laptops, and music systems. Our Lives are fully […]

Resetting LIfe

Let’s Reset Life Again

Hi everyone, Today I am sharing some tips for resetting life. First, find a comfortable sitting and a place which is quiet and maybe somewhere near to nature. Get a notebook and a pen. You have to be very conscious while doing this activity so choose the best time of your day when you are […]

travel more buy less

Travel More, Buy Less and live a happy life

Why Travel more and buy less? Because travel teaches us many important things about life that we would never learn just by being at the same place always. Following are the benefits of travel more and spend less: It distresses you: Have you heard anyone who wants to go on a trip & get stressed? […]

Fancy Dinner In The City

Fancy Dinner In The City

Proin aliquam quam leo, accumsan accumsan risus volutpat euismod. Duis malesuada porta diam, quis congue arcu sollicitudin vitae. Mauris mi nunc, sagittis blandit tellus ut, laoreet cursus neque. Curabitur tincidunt nisl metus, vel bibendum arcu auctor ac. Phasellus faucibus arcu sem, vel condimentum nulla

Bright & Cheery Home Decor

Bright & Cheery Home Decor

Etiam felis velit, blandit non congue quis, lobortis dapibus urna. Sed lacinia in magna sed tristique. Donec in mi felis. Suspendisse at ante sapien. Etiam tincidunt ornare eros, ut suscipit magna bibendum hendrerit. In cursus congue porta. Mauris sit amet nisi rhoncus

Let’s Travel The World

Let’s Travel The World

Vivamus eu dui eget turpis iaculis facilisis vitae id felis. Phasellus feugiat, nisi nec interdum bibendum, enim arcu dapibus sapien, sit amet suscipit ante mauris et arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur dictum nisi accumsan, fringilla dui vitae, mollis velit. Integer aliquam elit vel condimentum volutpat. Aliquam ut

Visiting London On A Long Holiday Weekend

Visiting London On A Long Holiday Weekend

Quisque pellentesque fringilla scelerisque. Donec porta urna eu fringilla adipiscing. Nullam id eleifend massa. Curabitur eu blandit sapien. In et nibh ornare, blandit mi vel, imperdiet dui. Aenean ante libero, semper a leo vel, ultrices porttitor sem. Nulla dignissim facilisis sapien, vitae consectetur sem semper eget. Etiam interdum libero nec enim imperdiet, feugiat dapibus